On an early morning strike on the 13th, the
anti-aircraft fire from Japanese ships and shore
batteries was very heavy. As I pulled out of my
dive, in which I scored a direct hit on a Japanese
warship, my plane was severely jolted. A medium
caliber AA explosive projectile hit the fuselage
and port side trailing edge wing root and penetrated into the rear cockpit just under my aircrewman's (Bill Jorgensen's) seat.
Shrapnel and plane fragments caused deep
flesh wounds in Bill’s right calf and thigh. The
plane shook, rattled and rolled but we made it
out to the rendezvous point. We joined up with
the rest of our group and high tailed it back to
our ship some 175 miles away. My plane was taken aboard first and a medical crew with a stretch.er was standing by on deck to take Jorgensen to
sick bay. He recovered and on December 15, I
presented him with the Purple Heart.