L.C. Dudley
On January 4, 1944, Ensign L.C. Dudley was detached from duty with VF-15 and told to report to the Commander Air Force, Atlantic Feet at Norfolk, Virginia.
He was assigned to VF-80 nicknamed "Vorse's Vipers"

For his part, Ensign Dudley was awarded his first Air Medal for air operations against the Japanese on the Philippines, cited for damaging Japanese aircraft, scoring a direct hit on a large enemy warehouse, and destroying two enemy aircraft on the ground.
Squadron Highlights
Lt. J.W. Fair, USN was the first VF-80 pilot to destroy an enemy aircraft in the air.
Japanese heavy cruiser NACHI sunk by planes of air group 80.
Japanese Kumano class cruiser sunk by planes of air group 80
Ens. Joseph Meotti awarded Navy Cross for Heroism